Literary Machine Nº9


12 May 2023, らちちから








Whenever Golden Week ends, I feel like returning to the graveyard. Instead of resting there, I work hard, burying my already dead body. In the midst of this undertaker-like labour, a particular client has been troubling me these past few days. I cannot reveal the details, but I will say that dealing with female hysteria is difficult. Which is better: living in a dead body or being dead in a lively body?

Speaking of the transience of life, there was a social historian named Chikara Rachi who had an eccentric name but wrote a beautiful essay. He passed away from cancer in 1985. I have only read one of his essays titled "Spring and Cat Mound," but the soul's tremor when a person is faced with the end of life reminds us beautifully of the importance of cherishing every moment.

In summary, the essay tells the story of Rachi being diagnosed with cancer shortly after his beloved cat Pepe died. However, as expected of someone who studied philosophy, Rachi calmly reflects on his situation and says, "It's just a story of living until you die." The sadness and love for his beloved cat, wife, and daughter that flicker under this calmness are painful to read, but the subtle beauty outweighs the pain.

As Rachi reflects on his mortality, he writes, “There is no room for going back anymore. Only a desperate stance of going against the irreversible flow of time remains.”

Pepe is remembered by his family as a beautiful cat. When Rachi stands in front of Pepe's grave and says, "I wonder if she's become a mere skeleton by now," his wife angrily replies, "Pepe is sleeping with the same cute face she had when she was born!"

It may be a cliché, but what is important in life is not its length but how you live it. However, it is important to ask yourself whether you are not too easily wasting the limited length of your life. With the absurdity that humans can only truly reflect on their life at its very end, I want to keep "going against the flow of time" as long as possible.